组合模式(Composite Pattern)是一种结构型设计模式,你可以使用它将对象组合成树状结构,并且能像使用独立对象一样使用它们。
组合模式 UML

- 如果你需要实现树状对象结构,可以使用组合模式
- 如果你希望客户端代码以相同方式处理简单和复杂元素,可以使用该模式
using System; namespace CompositePatternDemo { abstract class Component { public Component() { }
public abstract string Operation();
public virtual void Add(Component component) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public virtual void Remove(Component component) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public virtual bool IsComposite() { return true; } }
class Leaf : Component { public override string Operation() { return "Leaf"; }
public override bool IsComposite() { return false; } }
class Composite : Component { protected List<Component> _children = new List<Component>(); public override void Add(Component component) { this._children.Add(component); }
public override void Remove(Component component) { this._children.Remove(component); }
public override string Operation() { int i = 0; string result = "Branch(";
foreach (Component component in this._children) { result += component.Operation(); if (i != this._children.Count - 1) { result += "+"; } i++; } return result + ")"; } }
class Client { public void ClientCode(Component leaf) { Console.WriteLine($"RESULT: {leaf.Operation()}\n"); }
public void ClientCode2(Component component1, Component component2) { if (component1.IsComposite()) { component1.Add(component2); } Console.WriteLine($"RESULT: {component1.Operation()}"); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Client client = new Client();
Leaf leaf = new Leaf(); Console.WriteLine("Client: I get a simple component:"); client.ClientCode(leaf);
Composite tree = new Composite(); Composite branch1 = new Composite(); branch1.Add(new Leaf()); branch1.Add(new Leaf()); Composite branch2 = new Composite(); branch2.Add(new Leaf()); tree.Add(branch1); tree.Add(branch2); Console.WriteLine("Client: Now I've got a composite tree:"); client.ClientCode(tree);
Console.Write("Client: I don't need to check the components classes even when managing the tree:\n"); client.ClientCode2(tree, leaf);
} } }